Website: Fujifilm Sonosite
When: 2011 – 2013
My Role: Web Administrator
I was responsible for managing and developing the websites of Fujifilm Sonosite, a Fortune Global 500 company,
I asked ChatGPT to tell me a joke about Drupal. On its third try, it got pretty close with this one:
Why do Drupal developers make great detectives?
Because they are experts at tracking down elusive bugs and solving mysterious website issues!
In my twenty-plus years of web development across multiple platforms, I have fixed many elusive bugs and untangled all sorts of website mysteries. I have developed a particular knack for fixing websites that suffer from a whole list of maladies – from out-of-date software to poorly-documented custom code to installs with hacks to Core (gasp!). Along the way, I have developed an expertise in Drupal with a particular interest in Backdrop (an off-shoot of Drupal 7).
I invite you to peruse my portfolio below (still under construction). Contact me to talk about potential partnerships and tips for getting the skin just right on your BBQ Chicken.
When: 2011 – 2013
My Role: Web Administrator
I was responsible for managing and developing the websites of Fujifilm Sonosite, a Fortune Global 500 company,
When: 2022 – 2023
My Role: Website Developer
Created the website for a local non-profit Community Participation Organization (CPO) using Backdrop CMS.
When: 2021-2022
My Role: Contract Drupal Developer
I did stuff.
When: 2013
My Role: Contract Drupal Developer
I facilitated a website upgrade from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7.
When: 2015 – 2018
My Role: Drupal Architect
A little bit of everything, from repairing a migration from Drupal 6 to optimizing site performance world-wide. Integrations with Marketo and Salesforce as well.
When:2008 – 2011
My Role: Web Administrator
I led a small team in running the UW iSchool website. Converted from a custom CMS to use Drupal 6, an Open Source Content Management System.
When: 2007-2008
My Role: Web Application Developer
Created an Applicant Review system for use by university faculty as part of the graduate student admissions process.
When: 2011
My Role: Web Administrator
An example of many of the microsites I’ve created over the years. This one, done for former UW professor Spencer Shaw, was notable for how quickly it was launched, with only a few hours notice.
When: 2011
My Role: Contract Drupal Developer
Agency: Urban Influence
I help implement new branding in a mobile-first site redesign for their Drupal-powered website.
When: 2006 – 2012
My Role: Head Chef and Website Creator
A hobby website I did for my competition BBQ team.
My Role: Web Application Developer
In this project, I created a web-based application reporting tool. It was unusual at the time for integrating an existing Sybase (now SAP) SQLAnywhere database with PHP.
When: 1999
My Role: Contract Web Developer
I was responsible for prototyping the Decision Mapping System, a proposed web-based reporting tool for use in the cleanup of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.
School of Marine Affairs The University of Washington School of Marine Affairs contacted me in 2002 to redesign their website
The Meridian Park PTSA website was a volunteer project of mine. It originally started as a brochure-style site, but I
When: 2015 – Present
My Role: Director of Web Technology.
I did a thing.
If you’re currently using Drupal 7 for your website, you might be thinking about upgrading to the latest version, Drupal 10. However, you may want
Highly knowledgeable in Drupal 7/8/9 and Backdrop CMS, including writing custom modules, selecting key contributed modules and have deep understanding of Drupal’s core API